SIMA Angaza Distributor Finance Fund: Why We Invested in Easy Solar

The SIMA Angaza Distributor Finance Fund (DFF) is a data-driven investment fund providing much-needed access to debt capital for last-mile distributors. DFF invests in companies distributing life-changing products in emerging markets, addressing one of the biggest barriers to their growth: lack of financing. A classroom project success story Easy Solar, the first company in the SIMA Angaza Distributor […]

SIMA Angaza Distributor Finance Fund: Why We Invested in Mwezi

The SIMA Angaza Distributor Finance Fund (DFF) is a data-driven investment fund providing much-needed access to debt capital for last-mile distributors. DFF invests in companies distributing life-changing products in emerging markets, addressing one of the biggest barriers to their growth: lack of financing. What do egg incubators and mills have in common? Covid-19 has set back many off-grid solar […]

Using Data-Driven Lending to Scale the Last-Mile Distribution Industry

In emerging and remote marketplaces across the globe, low-income consumers rely heavily on last-mile distributors (LMDs) for access to life-changing products ranging from clean cookstoves to smartphones. To take a key example, solar-powered products and devices, like solar home systems, have become instrumental in ongoing efforts to meet energy demand in under-electrified regions. And this […]

SIMA Angaza Distributor Finance Fund: Why We Invested in Altech

The SIMA Angaza Distributor Finance Fund (DFF) is a data-driven investment fund providing much-needed access to debt capital for last-mile distributors. DFF invests in companies distributing life-changing products in emerging markets, addressing one of the biggest barriers to their growth: lack of financing. Tackling the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s energy crisis “In the Democratic […]

SIMA Angaza Distributor Finance Fund: Why We Invested in RDG

The SIMA Angaza Distributor Finance Fund (DFF) is a data-driven investment fund providing much-needed access to debt capital for last-mile distributors. DFF invests in companies distributing life-changing products in emerging markets, addressing one of the biggest barriers to their growth: lack of financing. Seeing Beyond Zambia’s Macroeconomic Risk “Zambia’s default fuels fears of African ‘debt […]

SIMA Angaza Distributor Finance Fund: Why We Invested in Deevabits Green Energy

The SIMA Angaza Distributor Finance Fund (DFF) is a data-driven investment fund providing much-needed access to debt capital for last-mile distributors. DFF invests in companies distributing life-changing products in emerging markets, addressing one of the biggest barriers to their growth: lack of financing. Betting on Rabbits and Solar Meet David Wanjau, a Kenyan rabbit farmer […]

Scaling Off-Grid Solar Businesses by Leveraging Data Insights

To support the growth of off-grid solar businesses, Angaza leverages data insights in two primary ways: by providing a powerful, data-rich sales platform for distributors, and through the recently launched debt capital fund for distributors. Extracting Valuable Insights on the Angaza Platform  When distributors use the Angaza online platform and mobile app to collect and […]

Angaza and SIMA Announce Investment Fund for Distributors

Angaza, together with SIMA, announces the launch of the SIMA Angaza Distributor Finance Fund (DFF), a data-driven investment fund that will provide much-needed access to debt capital for last-mile distributors. DFF will invest in distribution companies working to provide clean energy access for all in emerging markets, thus addressing one of the biggest barriers to […]