How to Use SMS to Generate Repeat Business and Build Customer Loyalty

Would it surprise you to learn that over half the world’s entire population now owns a mobile phone? According to recent research, over 5 billion people worldwide out of a total 7.9 billion own a mobile device. The number of mobile phone users is expected to continue to increase, with a projected number of 7.33 […]

Extend Customer Relationships and Scale Your Distribution Business With Mid-Term Product Upgrades

If you’ve ever investigated the principles behind customer retention strategy, then you may be familiar with the following time-honored statistic: 80% of your company’s future revenue will come from just 20% of your existing customers. Additional research also suggests that repeat customers are likely to spend 67% more than new customers. With this information in […]

Drive Your Sales Growth With Repeat Purchases and Customer Loyalty

Discover the steps your organization can take to build trust with existing customers and extend sales relationships over time with Angaza.

Using Product Upgrades to Develop Lasting Customer Relationships in Emerging Markets

In last-mile markets, overcommitment to one-time sales interactions can limit profitability and hamper business growth. Distribution businesses that invest too heavily in reaching net new customers for every sales effort can end up hindering their ROI through expensive attempts to connect with increasingly hard-to-reach consumers. Establishing longer-term relationships with existing customers in these markets is […]

3 Ways to Increase Repeat Sales in last-Mile Markets

In last-mile markets, building positive relationships with low income consumers is critical if businesses intend to increase repeat sales and foster sustainable, long-term sales growth. With the right tools and technologies, last-mile distribution businesses in emerging economies can move beyond one-time or limited sales interactions, and provide consumers with the options they need to make […]